Work Cycle

Middle School Montessori Students Engaged In ResearchAn uninterrupted work cycle is a key attribute of the Montessori curriculum and philosophy. At every program level, the classroom schedule is organized in a way that provides at least one uniterrupted work time every day.The directors and directresses are mindful to plan related arts activities and events during a time frame that does not detract from the success of the children’s work time.  The exact length of the work cycle varies based on the age and developmental needs of the children at each program level.

Primary Student Works With Traditional Montessori MaterialsThe purpose of a long, uninterrupted work cycle is to provide children the opportunity to choose work freely, complete tasks, and become fully engaged and engrossed in their exploration. During the work cycle, children work individually and in small groups on self-selected materials. The work cycle also provides an opportunity for classroom directors and directresses to work with children and give lessons and guidance individually. Adults and children alike respect concentration and meaningful exploration and do not interrupt another who is engaged in productive work.