FOA Advanced Spanish Students Visit Mexico

solThis summer, the 2015 Advanced Spanish group had the opportunity to visit Mexico City on a three day learning extravaganza. The day after arrival at the Mexico City Airport, the quintet (Ari Flanagan, Maddie Gagné, Kaitlyn Meade, Elli Pallenbaum, and Sidney Pinochet) took a forty-five minute bus ride through the city of Mexico to the Teotihuacan Pyramids. The breathless 236 stair ascent to the top of the sun pyramid revealed a stunning birds eye view of this beautiful country. The group concluded the afternoon by dining at La Gruta on traditional Mexican food, located in a cavern ¡Rico!

Upon waking the next morning, the FOA Junior World Travelers ventured to the Mexican Anthropology Museum. The day was filled with discoveries and revelations about this culture’s history. They even saw the original bones of Lucy, an ancient Australopithecus Afarensis!

FridaFinally, the group enjoyed their last day touring the Frida Kahlo Museum, located at the artist’s summer home. Did you know that Frida is the most renowned Latin-American artist?

In conclusion, the advanced Spanish group would like to thank Ms. Emily, Ms. Pinochet and Sra. Lety, as well as her family for giving them a once-in-a-lifetime experience that they will never forget.

Written by Advanced Spanish students- Elli, Maddie and Kaitlyn