International Solar Energy Artist Visits FOA

photo(29)Alexander Dang, a scientist and artist from Brussels, visited the Elementary and Middle School programs on Monday, March 31 to raise awareness of the potential of environmental friendly technologies and sustainable development. Alexander studied Engineering in Paris and decided to couple his scientific background with his love of art. His desire to raise awareness world wide led him to develop artistic creations that incorporate solar energy as its energy source. This art is used to educate young people about the potential of eco-friendly technologies with a focus on renewable energy.

Art Show 077Five Oaks Academy students were stunned to learn that the energy coming from the sun and hitting the earth represents ten thousand times the energy consumed by mankind. Currently 1.7 billion people still do not have access to electricity. The Sun’s energy represents a great potential for satisfying this huge energy need.

Alexander founded Solar Solidarity International, a non-profit international association, to raise awareness and support solar electrification of schools in developing countries. Furman University sponsored Alexander’s trip to the US and graciously allowed him to speak to our community. We are grateful to them for allowing our students this opportunity.